Thursday, November 30, 2006

reception + multiples

Last night the Intermediate/Advanced Screenprinting class sponsored a reception for the Team Screen exhibit. Attendance was lower than I think we all hoped for...I'm not sure why. We held the reception from 4 to 6 p.m., an hour before and one hour after classes typically end. Maybe people were hesitant to walk the 15 minutes or so up the hill from the main building. Low attendance was likely also responsible for low sales of t-shirts and multiples. I suspected sales would be minimal, at best, most attending being end-of-semester broke students who would like to buy our stuff for their holiday gift-giving, I'm sure, but just don't have the cash. Which leaves me with all 10 little boxes of Sunshine I made, in addition to four postcard booklets.

The boxes are made from an image of blue sky and clouds, printed in cyan on vellum. I made a box template (about 2 1/4 inches wide by 1 1/2 inches high and 1 1/2 inches deep), cut it out, and assembled it with a glue gun.

Inside are miniature adirondack chairs I got from an online wedding vendor (their intended purpose is as a placecard holder for wedding guests) and painted with Benjamin Moore's "sunshine" yellow interior house paint. The chairs are sitting on an image of sand, printed on velour paper and cut to the size of the bottom of the box.

The postcard booklets are compiled from leftover prints I had of the 11 images I used in the gallery piece. I spruced them up a bit with a few layers of gloss overprint varnish and rounded the corners ever so slightly to mock the vintage postcard aesthetic.

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