Bad news first...The gallery portion of this project has already suffered a little damage (to be expected, I guess, being on the floor and in a relatively high traffic area). I suspect the Medici reception that immediately followed installation, but nothing looks terribly intentional. I'll wait until the reception (next Wednesday, November 29th) to do any mending.

The good news is I did plenty of post-fussing, pre-damage documentation, and in the images I took after I noticed the damage, you can't really tell.

Over the weekend, I added the postcard portion. The idea with the postcard is primarily to provide a link between the gallery experience and the website. And to send to family, friends, and other artists who can't make it to Boston before December 14th.

In the spirit of documentation, I took my camera with me to the screenprinting studio on Saturday, snapping a few shots (and video...see Sunday's post below) during the eight or so hours I was there printing a batch of postcards advertising the show. Screen plus ink plus squeegee...

equals print (layer one of four).

I printed my separations from this, much cleaner, more precise digital postcard I put together using InDesign.
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